There are many new items on Volume VI with a total of over 9,000 files and 640 megabytes of compressed Macintosh‚Ñ¢ software.
Decompressed this data exceeds 1.4 Gigabytes! This CD-ROM is the most current collection available with items added as late as June 24, 1992. Volume VI has expanded compatability to seven (7) BBS systems. First Class, Hermes, Mansion, MUBBS, Nova Link, Second Sight, and Telefinder. All of these BBS systems are excellent and we are trying to support as many sysops as possible. This disk is also a great tool for personal use!
Twenty-four software topics
Volume VI contains over 75 AppleLink items, 296 Adobe Screen font files, 100 MUG items, 323 Art files, 434 Business tools, 371 DA's, 407 Fonts, 531 Games, 1097 HyperCard tools, MacTechnical Notes, 372 MUG Newsletter Reviews, 117 MIDI files, 226 Music files, 393 Programer tools, 66 QuickTime tools, 575 Telecommunication files, 189 System7 tools, Decompression applications, 1000 utilities for the Macintosh, 240 Word processing tools and support articles plus special PowerBook, Frontier, After Dark, Icon sections and much, much more!
Adobe Screen Fonts
Adobe Systems Inc. has allowed us to license their screen fonts on Volume VI for redistribution. This is the most current Adobe Screen Font collection on CD-ROM. You as a “BBS IN A BOX” registered user have the right to allow your users to download these screen fonts. In the Adobe section you will find a great HyperCard stack with all the screen fonts displayed on each card in upper, lower case and numeric formats for easy reference.
Drag and Drop Description Reader & Easy Decompression!
Chris Johnson has provided a utility titled "Show Info" that will allow System 7 users the ability to drag and drop files on to this tool to display discriptions of any of the files in the files folder before decompressing them. This is a nice feature for finding information on a single file without having to decompress it or look through a directory. The most convenient way to use this is to put it on your desktop near the trash and just drop files on to it when you want a description of them.
Another tool on the disk is Stuffit Expander. You can drag and drop files on to it under System 7 for easy decompression. Placing this file on the desktop along with show info gives you the ability to quickly get info on a file and decompress it if needed. All compressed files are in Compactor Pro format.
The Works of Shakespeare and Thesaurus!
Mark Zimmermann has provided us with special Hypercard editions of Shakespeare's entire works and Roget's Thesaurus. These items are available for you and your users to download and enjoy. BBS in a BOX thanks to Mark Zimmermann for these amazing works. Look in the Exclusive folder if you want them in decompressed ready to use form.
“PD Pig Out!”
Volume VI features “PD Pig Out!” which is bundled with HyperCard 2.1 (licensed from Apple Computer) by MacWizards. This stack contains descriptions on approximately 8,000 public domain and shareware files available for the Macintosh™ on Volume VI of “BBS IN A BOX”. This stack retails for $19.95 and may be purchased from MacWizards. However, “BBS in a BOX” owners will have this product included on Volume VI for their use.
BBS Descriptions - Database Searches
Volume VI supports On Location search engines. In addition , text file listings and other database tools are provided in various formats. “BBS IN A BOX” is the ONLY CD-ROM that provides BBS descriptions on over 640 megs of compressed Macintosh BBS software. Using Show Info you can easily display the discriptions as well.
The Future - Volume VII
Look for additional BBS System support including greater system 7 support, more QuickTime, MSDN links, Macintosh BBS on the CD-ROM for instant linking, System 7.1, showcasing more BBS file areas, original works and more...
Special thanks!
Special thanks and credit to Pete Johnson, John Sinteur, AMUG, Mark Zimmerman, Reginald Muhl, Richard Wald, Apple Computer, Adobe Systems and all the authors for making Volume VI of “BBS IN A BOX” a reality!
Support the Authors!
If you have additional features you would like to see added to “BBS IN A BOX”, please feel free to write or call us. We are interested in making the world of public domain and shareware easily understandable to the Macintosh public. Only by supporting these authors and sending in our shareware fees will this type of software distribution continue. No fee is charged for any of the download files provided on this disk. AMUG and MacWizards spend thousands of hours creating the BBS interface on this CD-ROM. Any charge for this CD-ROM is solely to support the BBS interface. Please pay for any shareware that you use. When we are dishonest with the authors he or she either stops publishing or sells their products commercially. Please be sensitive to this issue. Thanks again for supporting Shareware and Public Domain authors!
Chapter ten of this document is a registration form. Choose ORDER FORM from the Chapters menu or click on the pop up menu at the lower left of this window to go there. Then all you have to do is Print it, fill in the blanks and post it with your check. What could be easier than that?
Or if you already have BBS in a BOX go to the Chapter for your particular BBS, our install manuals.